Section for Science, Research and Innovation - Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Section for Science, Research and Innovation (S&R&I Section)
Research, Development and Innovation Council Support Department
- Secretariat of the RDI Council Support Department - Lenka Havlikova
tel. 224 003 850, e-mail
- Head of the Information Systems Unit - Ing. Stanislav Janovsky
tel. 224 003 849, e-mail
Research, Development and Innovation Coordination Department
Public Relations
Mgr. MgA. Vendula Kodetová - tel. 224 003 852, 702 129 834, e-mail,cz
Correspondence Address
Research, Development and Innovation Council
Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4
CZ - 118 01 Prague 1
Section for Science, Research and Innovation *)
Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4
CZ - 118 01 Prague 1
data box ID: trfaa33
electronic file room:
The S&R&I Section workplace is located in the building of the Ministry of Transport, nabr. L. Svobody 1222/12, 110 15 Prague 1.
* As a correspondence address, please always indicate the address of the Government Office at nabr. E. Beneše. Thank you!