Section for Science, Research and Innovation - Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

With effect from January 1, 2022, based on Government Resolution No. 1188 of December 22, 2021, the Section for Science, Research and Innovation was established, under the authority of the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation.

Section for Science, Research and Innovation (S&R&I Section)


Research, Development and Innovation Council Support Department
  • Secretariat of the RDI Council Support Department - Lenka Havlikova
    tel. 224 003 850, e-mail
  • Head of the Information Systems Unit - Ing. Stanislav Janovsky
    tel. 224 003 849, e-mail


Research, Development and Innovation Coordination Department

Public Relations

Mgr. MgA. Vendula Kodetová  - tel. 224 003 852, 702 129 834, e-mail,cz 


Correspondence Address

Research, Development and Innovation Council
Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4
CZ - 118 01 Prague 1

Section for Science, Research and Innovation *)
Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4
CZ - 118 01 Prague 1

data box ID: trfaa33

electronic file room:  


The S&R&I Section workplace is located in the building of the Ministry of Transport, nabr. L. Svobody 1222/12, 110 15 Prague 1.
* As a correspondence address, please always indicate the address of the Government Office at nabr. E. Beneše. Thank you! 





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